
The Chirpy Bird Part-2 (Solution For Curse)

                      Hey Guys... Here we go Second Part of The Chirpy Bird, In these,  Nanda was finding solution for Curse to save his family.                        After the old chirpy bird told about the cruel curse, nanda asked for the king of chirpy bird, but they don't know about him, because, after cursing the family by Sage, the family tree would fall, so king of chirpy bird sent all birds from the family tree to other place, and they believed their ancestors were under the family tree to save them, so king went under the tree to pray ancestors and ask the way to save the family from the curse, but since then, the king has not been seen yet.                     The old chirpy bird told everything, what ever she knows, nanda was thinking about the king, and after king went under the tree what happened?...

The Chirpy Bird

          Hi Friends,                           Today, i am gonna tell about chirpy bird story, i already told that i like to write imaginative stories, because, we don't have barriers to create the better story, and we can create many wonderful things, like flowers can talk, birds can dance, trees can walk... anything.                            So, i have my own imagination world and every character shares their story with me. here i am the story narrator to my readers.                  The story began on the tree, the chirpy birds were eagerly waiting for the last baby bird of their family, unfortunately, the whether condition was very bad and they were trying to save the child but the nest dropped from the branch of the tree. the birds were bothered about child, fortunately, the ne...

My Introduction

Hi Friends, This is devi priya kalla, so this blog   contains about stories , i like to write stories,  everyone has a unique talent but we should find out that, what we have, i found out my talent that is writing stories, so i wanted to share my imaginative stories through this blog. and i will post the intresting short stories in this blog, read and share your valuable comments with me.